Marie Antonette J. Meñez, Ph. D.
Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (1991) University of Rhode Island, Kingston Rhode Island, USA
M.Sc. in Marine Biology (1986) University of the Philippines, Diliman Quezon City
B.S. in Marine Science cum laude (1981) University of the Philippines, Diliman Quezon City
Full Professor: Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines (UPMSI)
Director, Marine Science Institute (May 21012- November 2015)
Deputy Director for the Bolinao Marine Laboratory, UPMSI (2009 –April 2012)
Deputy Director for Instruction, UPMSI (2001-2002)
Deputy Director for Research, UPMSI (1995-1996)
Coastal Resources Management and Environmental Governance specialist (various national projects)
Basic Research: Invertebrate Biology, Larval Ecology and Recruitment, Benthic Ecology, Population Genetics; Behavioural Ecology, Integrative Taxonomy;
Applied Research and Development Work: Sustainable Mariculture and Fisheries Management of High-value Marine Invertebrates; Stock Restoration; Environmental Governance, Marine Protected Area Networks, Socio-Ecological Systems
More than 30 years of research and development experience in marine biodiversity conservation and management
Over 60 Scientific publications in various ISI journals, non-ISI and local and international scientific symposium proceedings, book chapters, training manuals
Nationally recognized for contributions in the field of Marine Ecology and Conservation. Award/Recognition gained include:
Gawad Saka Outstanding Agricultural Scientist (2008-2009) Presidential National Award, Department of Agriculture
Hugh Greenwood Environmental Science Awardee (2007)- National Academy of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology
Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service –Science (Marine Ecology) (2001) TOWNS Foundation, Inc.
Outstanding Young Scientist (Marine Biology) (1991)- National Academy of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology
AGHAM Congressional Medal of Excellence in R&D in Marine Biology (June 2011)
University of the Philippines Scientist I (2006-2018) Awardee, University of the Philippines System
Gawad Chancellor Award: Outstanding Faculty for Extension Services (1999) University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
Dr. Elvira O. Tan Award Best Published Paper in Marine Fisheries (2007)-Licuanan, W.Y., P.A. Aliño, W.L. Campos, G.B. Castillo, M.A. Juinio-Meñez. 2006. A decision support model for determining sizes of marine protected
Dr. Elvira O. Tan Award Best Published Paper in Marine Fisheries (2008) Juinio-Menez, M.A., H.G. Bangi, M. Malay, D. Pastor. Enhancing the recovery of depleted Tripneustesgratilla stocks through grow-out culture and restocking. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16(1-3): 35-43.
Member of the Philippine delegation as technical resource person to the U.N. 1st and 3rd Preparatory Committee on Biological Diversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (March 2016 ; April 2017)
Chair RP-US S&T TWG on Marine Biodiversity ( 2015-2016)
Member of national technical working group in regional scientific and interagency workshops related to “Managing conflicts in the South China Sea” , and regional marine cooperation programs in capability building and interdisciplinary research programs (IOC- West Pacific); North Pacific EBSA workshop, Moscow ( March 2013), etc.
Proponent and lead investigator in 30 completed collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects local and international funded research projects ; ongoing projects:
Country Project Leader: Expansion & Diversification of Production and Management Systems for Sea Cucumbers in the Philippines, Vietnam and N Australia (funded by theAustralian Centre for International Agricultural Research in collaboration with University of Sunshine Coast, Australia)
Project Leader: Identifying management units for high value sea cucumber species Holothuriascabra and Stichopushorrens; Enhancing Sea Cucumber Production: Uncovering and Utilizing Genetic Resources for Sustainable Development Program; (funded by the Department of Science and Technology)
Sanchez-Escalona, K.P., P.M. Aliño, M.A. Juinio-Meñez. (2017). Evidence of Shape sexual dimorphism in StrombusluhuanusLinnaeus 1758 (Gastropoda: Strombidae). J. Conchology 42 (6) 395-400.M.A.Juinio-Meñez, E. T. Tech, I. P. Ticao, J. C. Gorospe, C. A. Edullantes, R. V. Rioja. 2017. Adaptive and integrated culture production systems for the tropical sea cucumber Holothuriascabra. Fisheries Research. vol. 186, Pt. 2 :502-513
N. Palomar-Abesamis, R. Abesamis , M.A. Juinio-Meñez. (2017). Distribution and microhabitat associations of the juveniles of a high-value sea cucumber Stichopus cf. horrens, in northern Philippines. Aqt. Ecol. 51:17-31.
R.V. Azanza, P.M. Aliño, R.B. Cabral, M.A. Juinio-Meñez, E.M. Pernia, R.U. Mendoza, C.S. Siriban. (2017). Valuing and managing the Philippines’ marine resources towards a prosperous ocean-based blue economy. Public Policy XVIII: 1-26.
M.A. Juinio-Meñez. (2015).Biophysical and genetic connectivity considerations in marine biodiversity conservation and management in the South China Sea. J. Int. Wildlife Law & Policy. 18:2, 110-119.
S.von der Heyden, M.B., R.J. Toonen, L. van Herwerden, M.A. Juinio-Meñez, R. Ravago-Gotanco, C. Fauvelot, G. Bernardi. (2014). The application of genetics to marine management and conservation: examples from the Indo-Pacific. Bull. Mar Sci. 90(1):123-158.
P.H. Barber, M. C. A. Ablan-Lagman, Ambariyanto, R. G.S. Berlinck, D. Cahyani, E.D. Crandal, R. Ravago-Gotanco, M.A. Juinio-Meñez, I.G. N. Mahardika, K.Shanker, C. J. Starger1, A. H. A. Toha, A.W. Anggoro, D.A. Willette.(2014). Advancing Biodiversity Research in Developing Countries: the Need for Changing Paradigms. Bull. Mar. Sci.90(1) 187-210.
M.A. Juinio-Meñez, J.C. Evangelio, R. D. Olavides, M.A. Paña, G. M. de Peralta, C. M. Edullantes, B. D. Rodriguez, I.L. Casilagan. (2013). Population dynamics of cultured Holothuriascabra in a sea ranch: Implication for Stock Restoration. Rev. in Fish. Sci. 21(3-4): 424-432.