Kanji Nishihara
Mr. Nishihara is one of the founding members/Trustee of the Foundation and served as Treasurer since El Nido Foundation's establishment in 1994 until his return to Japan in 2003. He is recognized for his contribution as Founding Trustee and his part in the establishment of El Nido Foundation's Endowment Fund, for linking the organization with Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund and the Embassy of Japan - Grant Assistance for Grassroots Projects, for being a primary proponent of the eradication of malaria in EI Nido by linking ENF with JICA's Mr. Masatoshi Nakamura. He has mentored and inspired ENF's Executive Director, Ms. Irma Rose C. Marcelo, to continue to push for El Nido's conservation, in fulfillment of the wishes of the original Ten Knots owners (NIssin of Japan), and strongly supported the establishment of ENF's permanent office (called the ENF Community Learning Center) in El Nido town, and thus contributing to the attainment of a prosperous and environmentally sustainable EI Nido and neighboring northern Palawan communities.