USAID Fish Right Project

Donor: USAID through University of Rhode Island and PATH Foundation Phils., Inc.

Location: Municipality of Linapacan

Duration: February to September 2019

In collaboration with PATH Foundation Philippines, Resonance, NGOs for Fisheries Reform, Silliman University, the Marine Environment Resources Foundation, and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, the Program supports the Government of the Philippines and other key fisheries stakeholders to improve management effectiveness and compliance so as to reduce the threats to marine biodiversity. The Program works at the national level as well as within the Calamianes, Southern Negros, and Visayan Seas marine key biodiversity areas (MKBAs). In the Calamianes Island Group (CIG) MKBA, PFPI supported the El Nido Foundation on strengthening local government partners and stakeholders in the Municipality of Linapacan, as well as in fisheries management assessments/monitoring and capacity building activities.

Site Validation in Linapacan

Site Validation in Linapacan

Fish baseline data gathering

CMMA Management Planning in Barangay Barangonan

Manta tow in Barangay Calibangbangan